A Call to Service

Spare a thought for the next group of candidates for Local, Provincial, and Federal political office. They will face the greatest challenges ever facing this country during peacetime.  And they will be replacing incumbents who have used the cover of Covid-19 to build a new society in their personal image.   In the process, Canada’s economy has been trashed in the cause of contrived emergencies; social values upended to create imaginary persecuted groups; and fresh versions of revisionist history been embedded daily in school curricula.

Streets are filled with the victims of a drug abuse epidemic, financial reserves eradicated and replaced with a federal debt level which, per capita, is the highest in the nation’s history. Canadians have been walked back from decades of improvement in living standards, diminishing social problems, and internationally competitive technological achievements.

Despite being in the forefront of world medical science Canada’s Federal and Provincial leaders have managed to surpass each other’s incompetence by building on successive missteps in what should have been an achievable vaccination program. The list of governance disasters in every area, which, in more capable hands would have been foreseeable, grows daily.

If you know people with enough management skill to rein in public sector workers, who see nothing wrong in ever growing deficits and to whom cost control is a filthy phrase, encourage them to step forward – we need them. Their task is simple enough to describe – Reclaim! Recover! Rebuild!

Achieving this task will take not only determination on their part but much cooperation on ours – it is always true that we only get the government we deserve.

Who is Steven Guilbeault?

Steven Guilbeault is a French-Canadian, schooled in political science.  He is interested in preserving French culture and language.  In 1992 in his early 20’s he attended Rio de Janeiro’s Earth Summit, along with Laure Waridel, Sidney Ribaux, Patrick Henn, Francois Meloche, and Beth Hunter.  In 1993 on the heels of the Earth Summit, Guilbeault, along with these five individuals founded the organization “A SEED”; “Action for Solidarity, Equity, Environment, and Development”.  It was incorporated as a non-profit in 1995 and officially changed it’s name to “Equiterre” in 1998.  Guilbeault sat on the board non-consecutively for many years.

(Earth Summit was formerly called “UNCED”; United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.  They are the group that outlined Agenda 21)

In 1997 Guilbeault joined Greenpeace Canada, in charge of their climate-change division.  He was a campaign director and in 2000 was a bureau chief.  In 2001 he was arrested for mischief for climbing the CN Tower in Toronto ahead of a conference on climate change.

In 2005 he coordinated the climate campaign for Greenpeace International.  He resigned from Greenpeace in 2007.  In 2008 he returned to Equiterre, where he stayed until 2018, before running for office in 2019.

Equiterre has been employed by the Quebec and Canadian federal governments as a certified body to conduct “energy audits”.   (ironically, the Trudeau administration is currently looking at doing energy audits for private residences)

Equiterre also managed a community-supported agriculture system (CSA – also called communal Crop Sharing) of farms and consumers, including households and institutions.  It is noted that CSA’s principles have many similarities to Communist ideology.

The research shows that, amongst other concerns, CSAs are not fair to farmers.  They are based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, encouraging new forms of property ownership where land is held in-common by a community, which leases the land to farmers (very much like a tenement farm system).  Steiner encouraged the idea that a network of human relationships should replace the traditional system of employers and employees.  That the economy should not be based on profit.    Actual profits are then to be called “rents” and trade is to be in “shares” – similar to a barter system.  “Shares” of a CSA originally and predominantly consist of produce and farm products.  The consumer pre-pays to the farmer and receives food in return annually.  “Shares” may also be traded by “free labour” to the farm.  Where have we heard all this before?

Since Guilbeault only left Equiterre in 2018, it is reasonable to assume he endorses this type of Marxist economy.   From Earth Summit and Agenda 21, to Equiterre, Greenpeace, and communal CSAs, Canada’s Heritage Minister has an interesting history.

Protestors Unreasonable

Loggers at Fairy Creek on Vancouver Island say, “We have had enough!” referring to the antics of recent protestors.  Carl Sweet of ‘The BC Forest Alliance’ has come out in defense of the loggers saying that activists were deliberately and strategically provoking forestry workers at their place of employment.

The video recently circulated on social platforms is what the activists wanted, and the media took the bait.  Carl Sweet stated; “I think the media is enabling the misinformation of what is happening in the BC forest industry.  These are hard-working people who go home to their family every day, and the environmentalists are taking it to the next level.”

The BC Forest industry is one of the most technically advanced and environmentally conscious tree-harvesting industries in the world.  But that is the opposite of what radical groups convey.

With silviculture mandated and strictly controlled, the forests are a sustainable resource.  Overall, it is a very well-managed system.  The AAC is strictly controlled by government, and cut blocks are not random.  They are specifically defined by accredited individuals, taking into consideration, among other things, terrain, hydrology, and habitat sensitivity, leaving designated wildlife corridors intact.

Logging roads are designed by qualified Professional Engineers and decommissioned when no longer in use.  This too is controlled and monitored.

There are riparian rules, cultural protection rules, work-safe rules, and union adherence to attune to, along with weather constraints and fire seasons to consider.

From stump to dump, all participants are trained licensed, insured, and united under a common purpose that allows many people to feed their families and contribute to the social net; in some cases, the very social net that environmental activists are eager to draw from.

Professional Registered Foresters


Canadians Easily Foiled

It appears that Canadians are being foiled yet again.  Governmental policy around inflation is creating financial stress for hard-working citizens.  It is no wonder that taxpayers are hostile to the threat of even more tax increases, especially those attempted at being cleverly disguised.  High costs combined with high taxes are driving the average citizen into the ground.

The current inflation number is recorded as low, but it appears the actual inflation rate is high, and climbing.  The culprit for this confusion is the Consumer Price Index itself;  that mysterious measurement tool – the cost of a fixed basket of goods.  It has been modified, and the measurement markers changed.  “This modified CPI is used to justify a whole gamut of policies, including keeping wage increases low and giving government bragging rights about how low annual inflation is”   (1)

Modifying the CPI criteria on paper does not change the reality felt by Canadians.  However, it does allow government free reign to indulge in “tax-bracket-creep”.  This is why, even after a cost of living adjustment, if one is so lucky to get such an extravagant thing, peoples’ after-tax-dollars are still stretched to the breaking point.

It is likely that the current inflation rate is sitting somewhere around 5% or 6%, according to the old models.  (In 1980, it was around 12%).  Tragically, Canada could be sinking into 1980’s inflation territory.  Will Canadians continue to look the other way, or will they become engaged and start paying attention to their political landscape?

(1)   Phil Venoit, President of BC Building Trades, 2019

A Matter of Maturity

Recently Elizabeth May, formerly the leader of Canada’s Green Party, suggested that the country lower the voting age to sixteen. It should be obvious that this would be a disaster. Quite apart from the fact that sixteenyearolds lack a fully developed prefrontal cortex and are therefore at a disadvantage in making rational decisions, the simple fact is that they are children, not adults.

So why would May, and she is not alone in this, (the Liberals have tried to make this suggestion too) want to implement such a dangerous and unwise policy? The likely answer is:  Pure unadulterated power.  Teenagers are easily influenced, and there is more than a little wisdom in the old adage that “If you’re not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, and if you’re not a conservative at 40 you have no brain.” Also, as many parents and teachers can attest, almost without exception, children tend lean to the far left. What an opportunity – willing and compliant tools.

May can see a chance when it comes her way. Should she be able to accomplish her goal, Canadians may all have to deal with an irrationality they have never experienced before. This is not an exaggeration.  China’s Mao Zedong unleashed the Red Guard, an army of indoctrinated teenagers, on his enemies and as history proves, the result was disastrous. Perhaps one should not leap that far ahead, but the idea that unqualified, immature teenagers could influence politics should cause all Canadians to pause.

Marxism and Sharia?

Both Marxism and Sharia lean on hate and divisionism to control populations, something the Western World abhors.   Nothing in the west is sacrosanct under these oppressive regimes, and now even some children’s books and cartoons have become taboo.  The recent casualty –  the beloved Dr. Seuss.

Dr Seuss should be commended for demonstrating diversity to children in showing there is not a universal sameness of humans in the world.  For example, one of the drawings leading to the recent controversy was of an Asian man wearing a rice hat while eating from a bowl with chopsticks.  Yes, Asian people are known to look a particular way and yes, some eat with chopsticks, and some do wear rice hats.  Those are all things to be celebrated, as Asian history is long and rich.  Add to that the fact that these drawings are caricature renditions meant to emphasize characteristics, we see that the man depicted is a delightful Asian fellow.

Cartoons are meant to evoke happiness and fun.  One would have to look far and wide to find someone who has not enjoyed the lilt and pictorial whimsy of Dr. Seuss.

It is a slippery slope when a cartoon is considered offensive, and we have all seen the evidence of that in Sharia law.  It’s time to hail Dr. Seuss as the humanitarian and inclusive children’s author that he was.  The western world is approaching the end of humour and joy – retroactive no less! The attack on Dr. Seuss is an attack on joy itself.


Government Debt

Our governments have a debt problem. The federal deficit for this fiscal year is approaching $400 billion and the total debt is about $1 trillion.  BC is in better shape with a current year deficit of $13.6 billion and a total debt of $88.626 Billion.  

A conference Board of Canada report stated that governments are “spending like never before” producing “massive and permanent” debt levels.  This is not sustainable.   

Our governments believe that a combination of low interest rates and high levels of economic growth will allow them to accommodate this level of debt. It might just be possible if that was all the debt they were going to add but the Federal deficit for the next fiscal year will be about $121.6 billion dollars and continuing in the red for the foreseeable future. BC will also be running deficits for years.   

Our governments have not been transparent as to how they intend to pay for this increased debt, and currently are borrowing just to cover the interest.   The Trudeau administration has not produced a budget in 2 years and Canadians  don’t know what this governments detailed taxation and spending plans are.  

With the pandemic not yet over, maintaining support payments to those in need will have to continue. It seems certain that a combination of increased taxes and a reduction in spending will be necessary, and soon. This will reduce economic growth, which in turn will reduce the governments ability to sustain this level of debt.  

What is the plan Mr. Trudeau? 

“Castle Canuck” ….. a parody

Mesmerized by fancy socks, puffy words, promises of legalized drugs, and free stuff, one third of a Kingdom was propelled to vote the village idiot in as Emperor.  Another group, downtrodden for various reasons, of their own volition or otherwise, propped up this first group, like dancing jesters performing in the castle, hoping for scraps and favours.

A third group, disgruntled, and wanting to be free from the confines of this entire royal confederation holed themselves up behind a pale of their own making, even though they opened the door readily to accept handouts for doing absolutely nothing.

Then there was the sprinkling of supercilious underlings, who jostled for position, with no hope of ever securing elected status, nipping at heels and stealing votes on all sides for their own egos because they flatly refused to get along with any of the others.

Alas, this left the last group, a quiet popular majority, standing outside the castle walls looking in at the chaos.  They did not ask for handouts, nor did they dance.  They merely desired to work for their own autonomy and self-determination but, none the less, were disliked by all the others.

What a strange rag-tag and disconnected group, for which the Emperor, naked as he was, could not reconcile.  “You ask for too much!” he cried while throwing their hard earned money to the wind, and insisting they now use only the newly approved words.

Thus, was the Kingdom of Castle Canuck, a sad and royal mess to behold.  Then the plague arrived…….

Whitewashing History

One of the earliest memories most of us have is of our mothers telling us not to lie. Mothers give good advice, and this is probably their best. It applies to everything, but most especially to our history. A nation’s history is sacred. Tampering with it for political purposes is unforgivable. Apart from being dishonest, whitewashing history is also a weapon, and these days it is being used by the left to change everything.

There’s no shortage of examples. The distorted condemnation of John A. MacDonald, removing statues, replacing the people on money with others less important who serve your purposes, the 1619 project in America, examples are endless. Eventually, if it happens enough, people become brainwashed. Their history means nothing to them or, even more tragically, they believe propaganda and their history disappears. The Russian people know all too well how that worked.

It is up to the proper authorities to give us an accurate view of history. But it is up to us to insist on it. When their so called “history” doesn’t match our memories then we know they are lying. When that happens, we must call them on it. The official name for what they are doing is “historical revisionism”, but it should be called “strategic lying.” It is wrong. Some may not like authentic history, but they have no right to distort it. Everyone is advised to embrace the real historical record. It is just better that way.

Restoring Sir John A. MacDonald

The National Post recently featured a series of articles about Sir John A. MacDonald.  It’s time.  As a result of name removal, statue decapitation and the hostile narrative about him, historic truth is suffering.  It is clear that the left and others want him stricken from history.  They’d be happy to remove every reference to him.

But that wouldn’t be right.  First, ‘grievance archeology’ is wrong.  It ignores historical context and truth. As the NP contributors stated, John A. MacDonald did a lot for native people.  He did not want the genocidal experience of the United States. He negotiated treaties so that it wouldn’t happen here.  He created the NWMP so that both whites and natives would be protected.  He had food distributed as best he could to aboriginal peoples so they would not starve when the buffalo were gone.

Was he perfect? No. Was he consistent?  No.  But he respected them and made sure they could reside on their ancestral lands, calling them “free people.”  Mackenzie’s Liberals criticized him for doing too much for the indigenous population.  In his May 5th, 1880 speech, he reminded people that they were “original owners of the soil” and we were “bound to protect them.”  He did not create the residential schools. The first was built in 1695.

Sir John A. MacDonald was a statesman and the architect of Canada.  For that alone his memory should not be besmirched.  He should always be remembered and honoured. Historical revision is easy, truth is not.