What can we expect from Government?

What can we expect from Government, and what price do we really pay?

An essential difference between those guided by common sense and those who believe that government, (ever increasing in size) can provide the essentials of life, falls between the definitions of ‘wants’ versus ‘needs.’

In this pandemic governed society, government has allowed itself the opportunity to take on ‘emergency’ powers permitting it to dictate our movements and actions in ways that we would never have considered reasonable before.  It has set aside the normal administration of justice by permitting its agents, to direct activities and levy fines and which are, by statute, the responsibility of legislatures and the courts.

We have seen federal and provincial governments use the pandemic as justification to make huge financial disbursements with no effective plan or oversight, the consequences of which will leave our great-grandchildren with the obligation of repayment.

In a democracy, we accept these actions because we accept the judgements of those, we elect to manage our society, to take the necessary action to meet the ‘needs’ of all of us.  To be effective as a democracy, we need to regularly revisit the outcomes of their decisions to see whether they simply addressed loosely defined ‘wants’ that had little to do with reasons involved with a pandemic.

In an effective democracy citizens should hold all representatives, found to have overstated the requirement, personally responsible for their actions and assign them some very heavy penalties.

For Christmas; A Sense of “Village”

Somewhere in the mists of time we all seem to harbour some idea of “Village”.  The Community Hall, the Church, the Schoolhouse, and a common cohesive civility.  For the conservative-minded person, the sense of self-reliance and desire for self-sufficiency is etched into DNA over millennia and is still felt, as is felt a profound reluctance to fail or be burdensome upon others.  Some might call this a pioneer ideology, a yearning nostalgia of all things straightforward and simple, but in reality, it is just about being a responsible human.

What we are experiencing in our yearning for “Village” is the psychological character of a bygone era, not the hard physicality of the old days.  It is a trace of emotion that has faded from the collective consciousness, and as such can no longer embrace us, and nothing cloaked upon our psyche has replaced it. What we are experiencing is mass cultural alienation and a feeling of loss.

As a society, how did we lose our resolve and become complacent?  When did we embrace mediocrity and political correctness?  Why did we allow our traditions to falter?  How did government become the head of our households?  These are the questions Canadians need to address in order to regain their sense of self and culture.

This Christmas season let’s share with each other the generous gift of hope that we can once again find our “Village” and enjoy the calm that we all yearn for; of family, friends, familiarity, and peace.  We are blessed to have each other.

Merry Christmas everyone!