Remembering the White Rose

“Stand up for what you believe in even if you are standing alone.”   – Sophie Scholl

Started in June 1942, the “White Rose” group was an underground resistance movement in Munich Germany that peacefully opposed the activities of the Nazi regime; denouncing the regime’s persecution, crimes, and oppression.  Signified by a single white rose, a symbol meant to represent purity and innocence in the face of evil, the initiative was silenced in February 1943 when the Gestapo arrested the core members for delivering pamphlets.  The central heads of the organization, siblings, Hans and Sophie Scholl, were tried by the “Volksgerichtshof” * and subsequently executed by guillotine within days of their arrest.

The Scholl siblings, students at the University of Munich, had been childhood members of the “German Youth” and “Hitler Youth” organizations, but had grown aware of, and subsequently alarmed by, their country’s political turn.

“The government – or rather, the party – controlled everything:  the news media, arms, police, the armed forces, the judiciary system, communications, travel, all levels of education from kindergarten to universities, all cultural and religious institutions.  Political indoctrination started at a very early age and continued by means of the Hitler Youth with the ultimate goal of complete mind control.  Children were exhorted in school to denounce even their own parents for derogatory remarks about Hitler or Nazi ideology.”  – Statement by Jurgen Wittenstein, a White Rose survivor, written by George J. Wittenstein, M.D., in “Memories of the White Rose”, 1979.

For many, these types of historical accounts have never been known, been swept aside, or forgotten – but some still remember, and history has a way of repeating itself for those who don’t learn the lessons the first time around.  Any government that becomes desperate or craves complete and unbridled control over its citizens, for its own preconceived end, is a government not fit to lead.

– *Volksgerichtshof – a Nazi court external to constitutional law, therefore, the executions are considered “judicial murder”.
– Scholl, Inge, The White Rose, (translation: Schultz, Arthur R., contributor: Solle, Dorthe), University Press, New England, 1983.
– Dumbach, Annette, Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, OneWorld Publications, London, 2018.
– Scholl, Hans and Sophie, At the Heart of the White Rose, Plough Publishing House, New York, 2017.
– Wikipedia, White Rose, accessed Sept 10/21.


Quebec Nation

It appears that due to conditioning, with help from the government education curriculum, many citizens of Canada have lost sight of, or have never known the political history of the country they call home.   For example, many Canadians do not know what the 1763 “Treaty of Paris” is, and why Canada effectively has a French colony inside its borders.

From early contact with First Nations, to the basic-survival of the Pioneers, and their respective ensuing diplomatic struggles,  leaders of different nations and cultures, some capable and some inept, forged forward with plans that did not always end well.  From the French and Indian War/Seven Year War (1)  of 1754-1763 that culminated in the ratification of “The Treaty of Paris”, to the failure of “The Albany Plan of Union” in 1774, there are volumes of history that answer many questions as to how Canada evolved divided, and how some historical decisions are still negatively reverberating today.  (2)

For example, after the “Treaty of Paris”, addressing Quebec separately was accommodated by “The Quebec Act” of 1774 which reinstituted French Civil Law in Quebec, pointedly for matters of private law (i.e.: law between individuals) but left English Common Law intact for public matters (i.e.: between individuals, governments, and institutions).  (3)

The “Official Languages Act” which formally added French as one of the official languages of Canada, did not exist until it was championed in 1969 by PM Pierre Trudeau.  (4)  Along with other increments, one of the most recent concessions Quebec has sought is to be recognized as a “Nation” – which will likely lead to future Constitutional repercussions.   As the current Premier of Quebec, Mr. Legault signifies in his own words; …his government has “the right and duty to use the clause, especially when the foundation of our existence as a people in America is at stake.”, he emphasizes a rarely spoken opinion that Quebec has distinction and status above all other provinces. (5)

Parents of any family know that showering special treatment on one child, especially if it is at the expense of siblings, is a recipe for disharmony, if not complete disaster.   If Canada can be seen as a big family of provinces, all the historical and recent concessions, along with exorbitant transfer payments to Quebec, extracted from provinces that are struggling, indeed come across as questionable.  If the federal government truly wants equality, it should start here.  It is long past time for Canada to become one country, undivided.

(1) Milestones: 1750–1775 – Office of the Historian (

(2) Albany Plan – Wikipedia

(3) Quebec Act, 1774 | The Canadian Encyclopedia

(4) Official Languages Act (Canada) – Wikipedia

(5) Quebec seeks to amend Canadian Constitution with new language law – The Globe and Mail


CSAs Are Not New

There is an old ideology called ‘Collective Agrarianism’ that is being presented as something new to replace Capitalism by left-wing ideologues.  (In Canada it is called Community Supported Agriculture, acronym: CSA)  As an offshoot of ‘Agriculturalism’ it harkens to a peasant-utopian-communalism as advocated in ancient Chinese philosophy.  It over-romanticizes the tilling-of-the-soil and labouring-in-the-fields while de-emphasizing modern farm-commerce modalities.

Not to be confused with communism, communalism shares many of its same attributes.  The two definitions are barely delineated from each other;  “….communalism is the common ownership of property, while communism is any political philosophy or ideology advocating holding the production of resources collectively.”  (1)

Older folks can still recall the repercussions of China’s abrupt turn to the countryside and Communism in “The Great Leap Forward”, where from the mid-1950s to mid-1960s it contributed to tens of millions of Chinese citizens starving to death. (The death toll is estimated as high as 45 million in some records).  It was documented as the largest famine in recorded history.  (2)

Following these horrors was China’s “Cultural Revolution”, a concerted effort to preserve and enforce Communism, which saw hundreds of thousands of city-dwellers forcibly sent to the countryside to labour in the fields, ostensibly to learn Agrarianism, in an effort to curb capitalist ideology and individualism.  Economic activity came to a standstill, history was erased, cultural material destroyed, and young people were employed to ravage and radically rebel against society and violate any citizen deemed bourgeois.  “Struggle sessions” were used as a form of psychological humiliation, persecution, and torture in the effort to reform minds.  (2)

In China, what was in antiquity penned as a utopian philosophy, guided by benevolence, became in modern times a regime of oppression under an iron fist.  History shows that Collective Agrarianism and Communalism may sound ideal at first, but their tendency to transgress into Communism does not bode well.

(1) – accessed Aug 15/21
(2)  Grada, Cormac 2007, “Making Famine History”
Journal of Economic Literature, JSTOR 27646746, Wembeuer
Felix and Dikotter, Frank 2011, “Sites of Horror: Mao’s Great Famine, The Chinese Journal. –  accessed Aug 18/21,
Pachen, Ani and Donnelley, Adelaide 2000, “Sorrow Mountain: The Journey of a Tibetan Warrior Nun”,

NDP Roots in Canada

In 1933 the “Regina Manifesto” was adopted by the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) at its first national convention in Regina Saskatchewan.  One of the stipulated goals of the manifesto was to destroy capitalism and replace it with a socialist system.  The League for Social Reconstruction (LSR), founded in Montreal and Toronto in 1931-32, largely written by Underhill and Scott, strongly influenced the CCF.

The Regina Manifesto called for “a planned and socialized economy in which our natural resources and principal means of production and distribution are owned, controlled, and operated by the people” and a nationalizing of everything, including the banking system. (1)

It also vowed that “No CCF Government will rest content until it has eradicated capitalism and put into operation the full program of socialized planning which will lead to the establishment in Canada of the Co-operative Commonwealth” (2)

In 1956, because of strong anti-communist sentiments, the CCF replaced the Regina Manifesto with a more moderate sounding declaration called the “Winnipeg Declaration”, (it is ironic that it was called a manifesto in the first place).   Its full name the “1956 Winnipeg Declaration of Principles of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation” was adopted at the 1956 national convention.

The CCF ostensibly chose to soften their image, however many of the same players remained.  The “Winnipeg Declaration” remained the statement of party principal, and that of their new founded party; “The New Democratic Party” (NDP) in 1961.  This declaration remained with the NDP platform until 1983 when they replaced it with a “Statement of Principals”.

This “Statement of Principals” appears much in the same vein as the other documents, but with fuzzy edges.  However, softening and re-wording does not change its central tenets.  Leopards cannot really change their spots.

(1)  Co-operative Commonwealth Federation preamble
(2)  Co-operative Commonwealth Federation Section 14

Very Real Agendas

Initiatives as those outlined in the United Nations’ Agenda 21 have been carried out right under the noses of local Cowichan Valley residents since 2012, and many residents are not even aware of what Agenda 21 is.  The local chapter of the Global Transition Network Organization; “Transition Cowichan”, and it’s supposed educational arm “One Cowichan Education Society” (and sympathizers) are paralleling, either purposely or by accident, the strategies of the agenda, one by one.  In effect, they are institutionalizing the plan.

As UN Agenda 21 covers all aspects of life and liberty, one is forgiven for seeing the stark similarities to communism unfolding.  Unfortunately, people are not explicitly being told, or may not understand, what the endgame is.    In a nutshell, the agenda seeks to “reorient” (socially engineer) existing patterns in western society. (1)   Outlined in 1992, at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for years its existence was negatively labelled a “right-wing conspiracy theory”.  It is not.  Albeit not legally binding (so far), it, and agendas like it are, at present, strongly considered by government policy makers.

Since Klaus Schwab’s publication of the “Great Reset” manifesto in 2021, this general collectivist ideology is now vividly out in the open.   It is safe to assume by the timeline below that this whole-world scenario has been a dream of Klaus Schwab’s for a very long time.

Some parts of this timeline:

1971 – European Management Forum, Cologny, Switzerland (founder: Klaus Schwab)
1971 – The Ramsar Convention (the seed agreement for Agenda 21)
1987 – European Management Forum name change to “World Economic Forum” (still at the helm: Klaus Schwab)
1992 – UN Agenda 21, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2000 – UN Millennial Development Goals
2006 – The Global Transition Network, Totnes, UK (The Open Society [Soros] and the Tudor Foundation are big donors)
2015 – Agenda 2030, (a UN Initiative) New York, USA
2020 – The Great Reset, (Klaus Schwab / Prince Charles) Davos, Switzerland.

It is notable that NGO participation in conforming to, and carrying out, these United Nations initiatives is encouraged, (2) and interested NGOs can become “officially UN accredited” organizations.   This allows them access to more grants and resources.   Thus, NGOs can effectively, and with support, work the agendas into communities from the bottom up, while governmental groups work from the top down.  Sadly, and unbeknownst to the beleaguered taxpayer, the “work” is being done on them, and the Cowichan Valley in British Columbia appears to be one of the hotspots.

(1)  Agenda 21 – UNCED, Ch 4, Section 4.15
(2)  Agenda 21 – UNCED, Ch 3, Section 3.4(b)

The Connotative Word

The word “Fascist” has become the Left’s new label for “Heretic”.  It is a negative branding, a type of secular excommunication reserved for those who prefer Free Market Capitalism, and do not fall in line with extreme Leftist views.  As Jonah Goldberg suggests, the other ‘isms’ the Left uses in their efforts to grind down their opponents, are for the same purpose, “… but have less elastic meaning.  Fascism however is the gift that keeps on giving” (1)    This is because of the word’s association to historical genocide.  It is a label packed full of evil connotation.

The strange thing is that those leaning to the Left, shouting this word to people with whom they disagree, seem to have mysteriously forgotten the evolution of Fascism, and themselves fit the very definition of Fascist, that nuance they venomously spit as a slur to others.   For example, Emilie Gintile explains;  Fascism is “….a mass movement, that combines different classes but is prevalently of the middle classes, which sees itself as having a mission of national regeneration, is in a state of war with its adversaries, and seeks a monopoly of power by using terror, parliamentary tactics and compromise to create a new regime, destroying democracy.”  (2)

Canadians have felt the slow and quiet reverberations of Leftism over the last few decades, but the crescendo has now become loud and clear.  It appears Canada is currently in a state of a ‘Leftist-siege’ and the definition of the word ‘Fascist’ may have also become a casualty, as well as a Leftist weapon.

(1)  Jonah Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism”, 2009, p4

(2)  Stanley G. Payne, “A History of Fascism 1914-1945”, Madison University of Wisconsin Press, 1995, p5

History Repeating

The Left-wing ideologues will tie in with any organization that appears to be against “The Man”.  They infiltrate for the purposes of forwarding their agenda, and what happened to the BLM movement is a perfect example of this.  If they cannot overtake, they will create chaos and confusion, disintegrating and transforming any original peaceful rally to their own purpose.   Antifa does this spectacularly.

They have effectively adapted themselves into the environmental movement, spanning the energy sector, resource extraction, manufacturing, and agriculture.  They have infiltrated the ‘super-structure’; the schools and universities, policing, hospitals, prisons, and government.  They are now in the process of trying to control speech and thought.

The tactics are outlined in the Communist Manifesto, and it is a well laid-out plan for world domination.  Initially, everything in the grand transformation is packaged as benevolence, as it malevolently seeks full control of the most intricate details of everyday life.  Self-sufficiency and self-reliance are not necessary because ‘the state’ will be in control.

The question they fail to address however is;  just who exactly will be in charge?   Even Vladimir Lenin discovered this to be an issue and is why he instituted “The Vanguard Party”; the grand committee of overlords.  As Lenin decided, “it will be a government FOR the people, not BY the people.”  Stalin took that idea to a whole unthinkable level, followed by Mussolini, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot.

As history folds back onto itself, it is the duty of Elders who have knowledge and experience of such things to explain the dangers to the younger generations.


Entryism” is a political tactic used by radical groups to infiltrate larger, more acceptable organizations and gain power.  The most famous example is the “French Turn” a tactic recommended by Trotsky to take over French labour unions in the 1930s.  Those practicing “Entryism” hid their real identity in order to take over.  In other words, they pretended to be something else: center leftists, benign socialists, anything but Trotskyites.

They joined French workers’ organizations so they could push them towards Trotskyism through stealth and intimidation.  The question for our time is  “Is Entryism still happening?”  If you define it in broader terms than Trotskyism, the answer is yes.  For example, in the United States, leftists have changed the Democrat Party and pushed it toward Socialism.  It isn’t the old Democrat Party anymore.  It is the party of “The Squad,” all of whom are socialists and radicals. Entryism worked.

Locally, we would be well advised to watch for entryism in all its forms.  If an organization talks about collectivism, communalism, redistribution and breaking down free enterprise, then Entryism may be at work.  The most important thing to remember is that “Entryites” are not going let you know their real purpose.  That is the danger.  American socialist Norman Thomas said, in 1944:  “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism.  But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America (sic) will be a socialist nation, without ever knowing it happened.”   Entryism at its finest.

Whitewashing History

One of the earliest memories most of us have is of our mothers telling us not to lie. Mothers give good advice, and this is probably their best. It applies to everything, but most especially to our history. A nation’s history is sacred. Tampering with it for political purposes is unforgivable. Apart from being dishonest, whitewashing history is also a weapon, and these days it is being used by the left to change everything.

There’s no shortage of examples. The distorted condemnation of John A. MacDonald, removing statues, replacing the people on money with others less important who serve your purposes, the 1619 project in America, examples are endless. Eventually, if it happens enough, people become brainwashed. Their history means nothing to them or, even more tragically, they believe propaganda and their history disappears. The Russian people know all too well how that worked.

It is up to the proper authorities to give us an accurate view of history. But it is up to us to insist on it. When their so called “history” doesn’t match our memories then we know they are lying. When that happens, we must call them on it. The official name for what they are doing is “historical revisionism”, but it should be called “strategic lying.” It is wrong. Some may not like authentic history, but they have no right to distort it. Everyone is advised to embrace the real historical record. It is just better that way.

Restoring Sir John A. MacDonald

The National Post recently featured a series of articles about Sir John A. MacDonald.  It’s time.  As a result of name removal, statue decapitation and the hostile narrative about him, historic truth is suffering.  It is clear that the left and others want him stricken from history.  They’d be happy to remove every reference to him.

But that wouldn’t be right.  First, ‘grievance archeology’ is wrong.  It ignores historical context and truth. As the NP contributors stated, John A. MacDonald did a lot for native people.  He did not want the genocidal experience of the United States. He negotiated treaties so that it wouldn’t happen here.  He created the NWMP so that both whites and natives would be protected.  He had food distributed as best he could to aboriginal peoples so they would not starve when the buffalo were gone.

Was he perfect? No. Was he consistent?  No.  But he respected them and made sure they could reside on their ancestral lands, calling them “free people.”  Mackenzie’s Liberals criticized him for doing too much for the indigenous population.  In his May 5th, 1880 speech, he reminded people that they were “original owners of the soil” and we were “bound to protect them.”  He did not create the residential schools. The first was built in 1695.

Sir John A. MacDonald was a statesman and the architect of Canada.  For that alone his memory should not be besmirched.  He should always be remembered and honoured. Historical revision is easy, truth is not.