Power Gained by Increment

Before a problem can be solved, its existence must first be noticed and properly acknowledged.  Only when exposed to the light of day can its causes, and the players involved, be discovered.  However, when a problem evolves slowly it often goes undetected, or its progression is merely tolerated as bothersome.  People have a way of accepting and accommodating each stage of minor social inconvenience, often unaware of the cumulative long-term effects.  As such, they are vulnerable to abuse by those looking to take advantage.

Unfortunately, the human propensity to ignore or adapt to small disturbances over time allows organized nefarious players to implement undesirable changes on society through “incrementalization”.   Incrementalization is Gradualism, (also called the “Hegelian Dialectical Process” of consensus-getting), the almost imperceptible cascading effects of an initial action; the resulting reaction (opposition); a general acquiescence; and then total acceptance by a population.  Repeating over time, each step compounds on the one preceding it.  The intended outcome (that otherwise would be deemed unacceptable by the populace if delivered as a full package at the outset) is achieved.

Significant change can be instituted, almost undetected in this way.  Each isolated increment of change made can be justified as something needed, and as such appears logical. Of significant note is the fact that positive change does not need to employ these types of deceptions.  It is a tool:  “incrementalization of the undesirable”.

In the aftermath of historical atrocities, onlookers are shocked at what tyrants were able to pull off by using this technique.  A tool surreptitiously deployed until full power is gained, then switching to military control.

An alert and well informed population that is politically engaged and able to think critically, combined with a properly functioning media, are paramount to ensure democracies prevail and undesirable situations are kept in check.  The importance lies in noticing the problem, acknowledging it, exposing the players, and fixing issues as soon as possible.


Coughlin, Stephen and Higgins, Richard, “Remembering the Mis-Remembered Left – The Left’s Strategy and Tactics to Transform America”, 2019, Unconstrained Analytics.

What is the Tipping Point?

Human beings are not livestock, to be forcibly herded, corralled, inoculated, and used.  They are free autonomous beings.

A population is in danger when its leaders “bait-and-switch”, installing themselves with grandiose powers, instituting their own personal agendas and abusing the funds of the hard-working taxpayer.  Taxpayers generally have no opposition to paying taxes and expect to pay their share for their country’s infrastructure.  But when tax dollars are syphoned off by the billions and used for a leader’s external ambitions, or extraneous pet projects, citizens are justifiably outraged.  This citizenry-affront arises because of a leader’s failure to remember that taxes are not government money; taxes are monies entrusted by taxpayers to the government to work on their behalf.

A population is also in danger when its leaders try to stifle or psychologically muzzle them.  When people are coerced into a new governmentally subscribed vocabulary, to the point of some words and phrases being prohibited by law, a population is in peril of losing one of its most basic and treasured liberties – free speech.  When mandated indoctrination replaces free expression, all forms of discourse; humour, debate, opinion, and even simple conversations are jeopardized.  This is authoritarianism at work.

The question arises, as to what level does a society sink before it completely succumbs to full-fledged authoritarianism?  How far does neo-despotism have to go before it is widely noticed and challenged by a majority?  What has history demonstrated?  What is the tipping point between a population’s begrudging-acquiescence and open societal conflict? These are just a few of the issues and questions people in the free western world are now having serious conversations about.


Voters’ Responsibility

H. L. Mencken, an American commentator and journalist in the early part of the 20th Century, observed that “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule.”

Local governments who quote world issues as the justification for their actions pose a particularly cogent example of this tactic. A recent attempt by some members of the North Cowichan council using the excuse of a self defined “climate emergency” to strip the value from a project that met all its zoning requirements is a classic application of it.

The proponents’ action may seem capricious and ill-conceived, but the maneuver, had it been successful, would have had the effect of transferring control and with it, effective ownership of the property. In addition, it would have created a precedent that would let the municipality use the same excuse to apply the same treatment to anyone’s property.

Municipal elections scheduled for 2022 are a good time to start reversing this trend. Good representatives share community values and aspirations. More importantly, they do not bring in externally developed ambitions, and use community assets to achieve them.

The big challenge is to get enough people out to vote. In too may cases, municipal and school board elections are won on less than a thirty percent voter turnout. That means control is handed over to a well-organized minority.

True democracy means that citizens can delegate the management of their community but never the responsibility for its outcome.

The Time for Unity

It is time for all conservative-minded Canadians to come together in a “Grand Coalition”. Their opponents: those left-wing and liberal progressives, know how the Right thinks. The Leftists know that conservative-minded individuals are of strong mind and often do not conform; thus, frequently avoiding “Big Tent” movements.   In a way that is good, but there is a downside. Because of this tendency, any movement undertaken often ends up being fractionalized, something that ultimately weakens it. Getting any strong-willed people to see the strategic “big picture” can be difficult. Leftists seem more willing to follow the party line laid out for them, submitting their will to a larger organization and its aims, and this has its advantages in terms of numbers and momentum, if nothing else.

Those on the Right do not need to be like the Left and should not be, but conservatism ought to come together as a movement.  If it is going to gain and keep power, it needs to think as one, and think strategically. That means forgiving the odd difference of opinion or policy to gain victory. It can be difficult to agree with something that contradicts one’s beliefs, but it may be necessary to do so in the interest of a greater good.  With the left using “woke culture” to radically alter society’s values, now might be the time to consider forming a coalition of all those who hold traditional common-sense beliefs and principles, even if all do not agree on everything.

Marxism and Sharia?

Both Marxism and Sharia lean on hate and divisionism to control populations, something the Western World abhors.   Nothing in the west is sacrosanct under these oppressive regimes, and now even some children’s books and cartoons have become taboo.  The recent casualty –  the beloved Dr. Seuss.

Dr Seuss should be commended for demonstrating diversity to children in showing there is not a universal sameness of humans in the world.  For example, one of the drawings leading to the recent controversy was of an Asian man wearing a rice hat while eating from a bowl with chopsticks.  Yes, Asian people are known to look a particular way and yes, some eat with chopsticks, and some do wear rice hats.  Those are all things to be celebrated, as Asian history is long and rich.  Add to that the fact that these drawings are caricature renditions meant to emphasize characteristics, we see that the man depicted is a delightful Asian fellow.

Cartoons are meant to evoke happiness and fun.  One would have to look far and wide to find someone who has not enjoyed the lilt and pictorial whimsy of Dr. Seuss.

It is a slippery slope when a cartoon is considered offensive, and we have all seen the evidence of that in Sharia law.  It’s time to hail Dr. Seuss as the humanitarian and inclusive children’s author that he was.  The western world is approaching the end of humour and joy – retroactive no less! The attack on Dr. Seuss is an attack on joy itself.


Mysterious Phenomena

There is mysterious phenomena at play when workers transform from a Capitalist system to a Communist system.  This is evidenced in the latter by a lack of productivity and loss of natural incentive.  Can this be solely the workers’ lack of ownership in the process, or might there be something additional at play?

To answer this one may look at human psychology, specifically human relationships.  When one toils for one’s self or family, natural altruism is a factor.  However, it could be argued that there is also a certain sense of altruism toward one’s community.  But that idea does not translate fully between the scenarios.

For example, a “breadwinner” may be self-compelled to work sixteen hour days under grueling conditions but will not willingly do so under force from others.  That is a given, but it still does not explain the basic scientific reason.

For this one may turn to physiology and measure the hormones released through repeated positive human connectedness.  This connectedness is driven by mysterious phenomena, which humans call love, and the release of serotonin from bonding, through reciprocal acts of appreciation, within close knit familial units.  With this reasoning and context, it may be scientifically rationalized that labour under the Communist system is driven by fear and force, while labour under the Capitalist system is driven by love and reward.


Restoring Sir John A. MacDonald

The National Post recently featured a series of articles about Sir John A. MacDonald.  It’s time.  As a result of name removal, statue decapitation and the hostile narrative about him, historic truth is suffering.  It is clear that the left and others want him stricken from history.  They’d be happy to remove every reference to him.

But that wouldn’t be right.  First, ‘grievance archeology’ is wrong.  It ignores historical context and truth. As the NP contributors stated, John A. MacDonald did a lot for native people.  He did not want the genocidal experience of the United States. He negotiated treaties so that it wouldn’t happen here.  He created the NWMP so that both whites and natives would be protected.  He had food distributed as best he could to aboriginal peoples so they would not starve when the buffalo were gone.

Was he perfect? No. Was he consistent?  No.  But he respected them and made sure they could reside on their ancestral lands, calling them “free people.”  Mackenzie’s Liberals criticized him for doing too much for the indigenous population.  In his May 5th, 1880 speech, he reminded people that they were “original owners of the soil” and we were “bound to protect them.”  He did not create the residential schools. The first was built in 1695.

Sir John A. MacDonald was a statesman and the architect of Canada.  For that alone his memory should not be besmirched.  He should always be remembered and honoured. Historical revision is easy, truth is not.