The Stink of “WE”

The “WE” scandal, like a heap of odoriferous cow dung, continues to linger as an acrid smell in Canada.  Whatever feat of deception the Trudeau government employs, the stink wafts up and circles back, engulfing them in the smog once again.

There is a reason the Prime Minister flatly refuses to testify, when ordered by the majority to do so, and it is the same reason he demands that the appropriate Ministers also do not comply with the House order.  The Prime Minister’s Office does not want to accept guilt and is not operating in good faith.  They can claim innocence until proven guilty, thus as long as the office does not engage in the inquiry process of discovery, they can magically claim to have clean hands.  It is obvious the Prime Minister does not want to incriminate himself and his family to Canadians – all those pesky hard-working taxpayers who pay his salary.

Like a child hiding behind the couch devouring contraband cookies before supper, thinking no one will see him as long as he keeps his eyes tightly shut, he continues the infantile charade.  The blatant obfuscation of the PM borders on the cartoonish, and through their disgust and incredulousness at his behavior, Canadians are also laughing at his buffoonery, strategic though his jiggery-pokery may be.

Ah, but maybe a shiny new budget full of pixie dust, sugar, and sunny ways will finally provide a much-needed distraction for the citizenry to look away from this gross egregiousness.


A Matter of Maturity

Recently Elizabeth May, formerly the leader of Canada’s Green Party, suggested that the country lower the voting age to sixteen. It should be obvious that this would be a disaster. Quite apart from the fact that sixteenyearolds lack a fully developed prefrontal cortex and are therefore at a disadvantage in making rational decisions, the simple fact is that they are children, not adults.

So why would May, and she is not alone in this, (the Liberals have tried to make this suggestion too) want to implement such a dangerous and unwise policy? The likely answer is:  Pure unadulterated power.  Teenagers are easily influenced, and there is more than a little wisdom in the old adage that “If you’re not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, and if you’re not a conservative at 40 you have no brain.” Also, as many parents and teachers can attest, almost without exception, children tend lean to the far left. What an opportunity – willing and compliant tools.

May can see a chance when it comes her way. Should she be able to accomplish her goal, Canadians may all have to deal with an irrationality they have never experienced before. This is not an exaggeration.  China’s Mao Zedong unleashed the Red Guard, an army of indoctrinated teenagers, on his enemies and as history proves, the result was disastrous. Perhaps one should not leap that far ahead, but the idea that unqualified, immature teenagers could influence politics should cause all Canadians to pause.


Entryism” is a political tactic used by radical groups to infiltrate larger, more acceptable organizations and gain power.  The most famous example is the “French Turn” a tactic recommended by Trotsky to take over French labour unions in the 1930s.  Those practicing “Entryism” hid their real identity in order to take over.  In other words, they pretended to be something else: center leftists, benign socialists, anything but Trotskyites.

They joined French workers’ organizations so they could push them towards Trotskyism through stealth and intimidation.  The question for our time is  “Is Entryism still happening?”  If you define it in broader terms than Trotskyism, the answer is yes.  For example, in the United States, leftists have changed the Democrat Party and pushed it toward Socialism.  It isn’t the old Democrat Party anymore.  It is the party of “The Squad,” all of whom are socialists and radicals. Entryism worked.

Locally, we would be well advised to watch for entryism in all its forms.  If an organization talks about collectivism, communalism, redistribution and breaking down free enterprise, then Entryism may be at work.  The most important thing to remember is that “Entryites” are not going let you know their real purpose.  That is the danger.  American socialist Norman Thomas said, in 1944:  “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism.  But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America (sic) will be a socialist nation, without ever knowing it happened.”   Entryism at its finest.